
Day 0/60 - Layoffs everywhere - how did I survive?

Day 0 - But first did I really survive? How am I taking this hit on my life?

It was another beautiful day in paradise - of course, it is because I make it so. Saying something and really making it every day - for what it’s worth is my favorite thing to do.

People do say that I have high energy - I won’t deny that. I do work hard every day to make every second left on earth count for what it’s worth.

Yesterday - Nov 1st, 2022, wasn’t different either - except for some new news that came my way.

Here’s what happened:

  1. I woke up around the same time as I do every day 6 AM. I thought that instead of swimming or biking, let’s run today

  2. I wanted to try my new shoes - and see how I run in these

  3. Started the run around 7 am went as far as I wanted to go - to touch the pacific ocean and appreciate the beauty

  4. I was on mile 11, returning from my run, around Golden Gate Park - all I had on my mind was the plan for my Argentina trip in December to explore more of the world

  5. It’s when I heard the news - that company is going through another round of lay-offs and you have been impacted

  6. Not gonna lie - I was on runner high, I was so absorbed by nature that I don’t think I processed anything of what happened at that moment

When I think about it today, a day later, the reality is beginning to sink in. That this decision has had an impact on my life - it’s not a job that I lost, it’s the life I lost as an immigrant on H1B in America.

And as this reality is sinking in, a part of me doesn’t want to give up on my existing lifestyle, but I am beginning to understand how this is impacting my ability to make decisions in life.

The video above would show you the state of my mind at that moment - after 10 min of hearing the news.

I did continue my run - it ended up 15 miles. Being a rain lover, the sky did cry with me for the rest of the run - just sinking in the news along with me. They said when I moved here 5 years ago, build your American dream.

Within 5 min - all my dreams of building my startup, running more Ironman races, and the life I was imagining for myself - was hit the bottom of it.

Being a proponent of “Excellence in Action is Yoga”, the motto of my college - IIT Kharagpur - I did take a ton of action in my life since the news on Day 0:

  1. I didn’t stop my run because of this decision - in fact, I continued at pretty much the same pace after the decision. I finished a half-marathon on the day of my lay-off. Makes me really happy

  2. I recorded a ton of videos around my feelings at that moment - I always enjoy watching my own videos later

  3. I shared the news on my Strava - I have realized that this takes away the shame that can exist around getting fired or laid off. Being a strong proponent of mental health - this is my way of accepting things that happen in my life

  4. I responded well with all positivity to my co-workers, friends, etc - and shared love and happiness

  5. I reached out to friends - and family and shared this news - they supported me that it’s gonna be ok. My mom said don’t worry my son. This brings so much calmness into my life

  6. And then I began to come up with a game plan to tackle this challenge

  7. I reached out to every recruiter on my LinkedIn - if they still have open positions - I got 4 interviews set up for today

  8. I talked to one of my mentors and shared my vision for the world - about my mission for life. How I want to impact the world

  9. I met with my other mentor and his wife for dinner - and talked about life

I felt really good about the day - seems like I crushed it with passion and lust for life. If yesterday was indeed the last day on earth and I wouldn’t have seen the light of today, I would have been pretty content on my deathbed.

Now that I am awake, I am gonna crush today with the same passion and lust for life.

As I am moving forward in searching for a new job - I am thinking that maybe I can share some of the lessons I am learning around it with the world. I don’t think there is a product around “mindset” during a job search and navigating lay-offs - and maybe this is my gift to the world.

I do find my purpose in the service of others. And irrespective of the fact, if I find a job or not, just know that “Atal Loves You!”.

We begin to grow in life when we are loved. It all starts with loving yourself - just the way you are!

Have a beautiful day in paradise you all! 😘🥰💕💜

I will document my journey from here on starting with Day 0. Please subscribe to my email for live updates.