About Atal

This is the newsletter for Atal Agarwal (@atalovesyou). Subscribe to be notified when new posts are released.

I am currently building OpenSphere at opensphere.ai. If you came here for a bio, here’s one in the third person:

Atal Agarwal (@atalovesyou) is a tech founder, angel investor and community builder at OpenSphere and KGP 2.2

More importantly, Atal has an incredibly inspiring story of overcoming depression, and loneliness and rebuilding himself to the strongest and happiest he's ever been, including finishing IRONMAN 140.6 MILES.

Atal holds a Masters degree in Technology Management from UC Santa Barbara and BS/MS in Engineering from IIT Kharagpur.

You can get in touch via DM at x.com/atalovesyou

Popular stories:

  • A few years ago, I didn’t know how to swim. I went through a near death experience while kayaking in Lake Tahoe when my kayak flipped. After that incident, I taught myself to swim and ended up swimming from Alcatraz Island to San Francisco.

  • Couple of years ago, I ran the Ironman race in Arizona. IRONMAN race includes a total distance of 140.6 miles. You start with swim of 2.4 miles, then bike 112 miles & then run 26.2 miles. Here’s the emotional journey of race.

Some popular articles:

Places where I have shared my story:

Interviews and articles talking about my story:

Enjoy your freedom 🚀

Around mile 80, Ironman race, Arizona 2022

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IRONMAN 140.6 MILES: Empowering Your Soul


More of my art, www.opensphere.ai