Congress, Speaker & White House. I will die than be denied my right to vote in a democracy.
Write my name as a freedom fighter of today.
We can't let greed and power win against human rights.
Right to vote is a fundamental right. It ensures that the circus of democracy continues.
Telling me that I would have to wait for 134 years to get my right to vote after paying all taxes and coming legally to America is unconstitutional, immoral and a punishable offense as per the constitution of America.
Delaying my right to vote by even 1 day is unconstitutional.
I came to a democracy.
I didn't go to Saudi Arabia. I didn't go to China.
I came to United States of America. I deserve my right to vote as a legal resident of the country and a contributor to the economy.
My appeal to other Democracies around the world. Lawmakers, policy makers and politicians, don't learn from the American immigration laws of today.
Learn from American forefathers. They built America with the highest of values and integrity.
Learn from the idea of America. It's foundation of freedom and dreams.
The time right now reminds me of 1860s.
The South wanted to keep the slaves because their economy was based on slavery while the north wanted to fight against the expansion of slavery.
During my visit to the white house, it appears, high skilled immigrants are the new leverage in the world. A million of them are intentionally kept in this backlog by lobbyists and Congress together.
It appears that the Congress has struck a deal with some of the tech CEOs to keep a million high skilled immigrants in the green card backlog to increase their leverage. This helps these tech companies continue their global technology leadership in the world.
I am not against Capitalism, it's the best model we have yet.
I am not against Congress, I am a believer of democracy.
I am against exploitation of human beings.
I am against denying my right to vote.
Every year, 70% Indians are selected in H-1B, 7% would be given Green Cards after 134 years. Rest 63% would be kept on extended H-1B visas with 60 day grace period for the entire life with freedom and control in the hands of the employers.
This has far reaching consequences for our future.
Creating leverage & economic value from someone's right to vote is a crime.
If you have worked with capital, you would know that capital goes to the place where it can be used most effectively.
As the capital would move to other hands, the capitalists would strike a deal with other countries to exploit immigrant workforce in that country.
Given global economy & migration at this level is a new trend, the leaders must ensure movement of human beings includes basic rights.
I don't know who I am fighting, Indians or Americans.
I am a creator of hope and a student of Gandhi and Marcus Aurelius.
It's my duty to stand up for what's right.
I will die than be denied my right to vote in a democracy.
#greencardbacklog #immigrant #immigrantstories
I will die than be denied my right to vote in a democracy.
Write my name as a freedom fighter of today.
Dec 16, 2023
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